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Page 14

  “I would take back under any condition. My love would be enough for both of us.” He finally answered, with a resolved expression in his face.

  “Any condition? You should be careful with what you say, I might take your word for it.”

  “Any condition, Katherine, I would trust my whole life to you.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I might abuse of the power you’re giving me?”

  “No, not you.”

  “But I don’t love you.”

  “Even so, it’s not in you to hurt other people on purpose.”

  “How can I trust this change of hearts of yours?” she asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “I didn’t change, girl, think about it. When did I treat you like an object? Remember all the amazing moments we lived together.” He closed the distance between them, not stopping until he had her in his arms. “I’ve always treated you like what you really are to me: the most precious treasure I’ve ever had.” He wiped the tears from her face. “My stupid fears made me lie to you and I know I hurt you, deeply with my words. But I love you, and life without you isn’t worth living.” He cuddled her face with his hands and kissed her deeply.

  She started crying out loud and he held her tight in his arms until she calmed down again.

  “I love you so much…” she murmured against his chest.

  A wave of relief rushed through his body and he hugged her tighter.

  “I love you too, girl. And this time we’ll do things right: I’ll meet your family and ask your father permission to marry you.” She chuckled and hugged him back.

  “I would love that Master.”

  That word back in her mouth felt wonderfully and he promised himself he was going to cherish her like he had never done in his life.

  He carried her in his arms towards the bed and they spent the rest of the night recovering the lost time

  Excerpts from Bound Discipline

  She shouldn’t have accepted to join Mark that night at the club. The look in his eyes, when he asked her to, had sent a shudder down her spine, and ever since that moment she had felt nervous and jumpy. What could he possibly have in mind for that night?

  So far he had made her experience so much that sometimes, her mind seemed to need time to process it all.

  But nothing could keep her from going and she knew it.

  She arrived at the club and Sally informed her that he was already in. She looked around the reception room and for her surprise, she found Emily there.

  She felt the blood rushing to her face as she approached her friend.

  "Emily!" she stammered. "What are you doing here?"

  Her friend smiled, patting the seat next to her on the couch. Rose walked towards her and sat next to her.

  "I'm guessing the same thing you are." she answered, teasingly. "Are you here to meet Mark?"

  "Yes, we are sort of dating…?" she said, unable to describe her relationship with the man, in a more accurate way.

  "It was obvious that first night you two had something going on, Rose." Emily interrupted her. "And this isn't the first time he brings you back here, right?"

  "No, but I still get so nervous sometimes I think I'll pass out!" Rose said, wringing her hands. "What about you? Are you meeting Damian?" she asked, changing the subject.

  "Yes, I am, but he is running a bit late tonight." Her friend answered.

  "Oh!" Rose sighed, still obviously nervous. "I shouldn’t have come, this is insane, I knew it, but he was so convincing…" she blurted out.

  "Don’t you want to be with him? Did he coerce you in anyway?" Emily asked her, suddenly worried.

  "No!" Rose almost shouted. "It's just I don’t seem to be able to handle this guy, I mean…" she ran her fingers nervously, through the leather 'play collar' as he called it, that she was wearing on her neck.

  "I know what you mean." Emily agreed.

  "Can you go in with me? I would feel so much more comfortable with you there." She asked Emily. Having her friend next to her would make her feel so much better.

  Emily seemed to hesitate.

  "Please?" Rose insisted, grabbing her friend's hands.

  "Sally, do you think it would be ok if I go in with my friend and wait for Master Damian there with her and Master Mark?" Emily turned to ask the other woman.

  "Well, I guess. I'll warn Master Damian where he can find you." Sally said, smiling.

  Rose filled up her forms quickly and soon they were both in the main room.

  "Can you see Mark?" Rose asked Emily, looking around impatiently. The place was crowded and it was a bit hard to find someone in it.

  "Didn’t you settle a meeting place?" Emily asked her.

  "I didn’t think I would need it." Rose answered her, furious with herself for not thinking of that, and furious with Mark for not being there, even if that was a bit illogical.

  "Let's walk around the room, to see if we can spot him." Emily suggested and they walked around the room with no luck.

  "I don’t understand! Sally told me he was already here. I know I arrived a bit sooner than expected, but, where the hell can he be?" Rose said, stamping her foot on the floor, frustrated.

  "Why don’t we sit at a table and wait there? Maybe he is in one of the dungeons and won't come up until your settled hour." Emily suggested her, smiling amused.

  "Yes, maybe you are right. Why don’t you go ahead and find us a table? I need to use the ladies room first." The nervousness always affected her bladder.

  "Ok, but please don’t take too long." Emily said.

  "I won't." Rose promised and headed to the ladies room. She did what she had to do and came out only a couple of minutes later. She still had fifteen minutes to wait for Mark.

  She walked to the tables' area but Emily was nowhere to be found.

  Rose looked around, looking for her, but she couldn’t find her.

  Shrugging, she assumed Damian had arrived and that she had left with him.

  At that moment, she felt a shiver run down her spine and she quickly turned around just to find Mark standing a few steps away from her, his strong arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing black leather pants and vest and he looked like a damn Viking that had just walked out of his boat, ready to raid the peasant's village. His blue eyes had this dangerous glow that was able to forget everything else around them.

  "Good evening, little rose." He said, with a devious smile. "Are you ready for me?" he asked, his tone showing he didn’t expect anything other than a 'yes, master'.

  "Good evening, Master Mark. Actually, I was heading to the bar for a drink, after all, it's still early." She answered, determined to poke him.

  He smiled, and she had the infuriating sensation that he could read her like an open book.

  "Then I'll join you. I could use a glass of cold water." He said, taking her by her arm and guiding her towards the bar. He ordered for both of them, and they lingered there, enjoying their cold beverages.

  They didn’t have much time there when Damian approached them.

  "Mark!" he said as he reached his friend. "Where's Emily?"

  "She's not with you?" Rose asked, stepping up, to face him.

  "Of course not, I'm just arriving!" Damian almost shouted. "Where is she?"

  Rose lost all color from her cheeks, as she realized Emily was missing.

  "She came in with me, and I left her alone for a few minutes while I went to the ladies room. She was supposed to wait for me at a table, but when I came out she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so I assumed you had arrived and that she was with you." She explained to both men.

  "Damn!" Damian swore, looking worried and furious at the same time.

  "She wasn’t wearing your collar?" Mark asked, understanding the possibilities.

  "No! I was going to talk to her about that today! Damn!" Damian rubbed his hand over his face. "Do we have too many guests around today?" he asked Mark.

  "Yes, half a dozen men, from Russia, that came with the Russian consul." M
ark answered, expressing the same worry as Damian.

  "Shit! Please gather a few monitors and make them look for her. She is reddish, with green eyes and a very white skin." He shouted the orders as he started running towards the stairs that led to the dungeons.

  Mark turned around to face Rose.

  "Wait here for me! Don't move a single muscle, not even to go to the ladies room." Mark's order was clear and raw. He was furious and worried, and that wasn’t a good combination.

  He ran after Damian and Rose watched him disappear worried for Emily. It wasn’t like her to disappear like that.

  She stood there watching the seconds ran by on her watch, looking around, wanting to go look for her friend, but paralyzed by Mark's words. He would kill her if he returned and she wasn’t there. He didn’t need more trouble right now.

  So, she stood there, bouncing from one foot to the other, looking desperately around and following the slow advance of the watch.

  Finally, she saw Mark with other monitors walking a man to the exit. She took a step to go meet him, just to take it back. She crossed her arms tight around her chest, even more worried. A few minutes later she saw Damian coming out of the hall way with Emily and this time she had to make a huge effort not to run towards her friend. She watched them leave the club, feeling helpless.

  Mark soon returned to where she was. His face didn’t inspire anything good. He was furious and she guessed good part of it was directed at her.

  He grabbed her by her arm and almost dragged her to the upper floor, to one of the private rooms.

  He chose one that looked like a small medieval dungeon, and she felt shivers ran down her spine. That didn’t look good for her.

  "Assume your position." Were his first words to her and she didn’t doubt obeying.

  "Yes, Master." She fell to her knees, her buttocks resting over her ankles, hands behind her back and her head down.

  He stood in front of her and raised her chin with one of his fingers.

  "What role did you play in this situation?" his tone was harsh and cold like a winter's day.

  "I met Emily at the entrance and asked her to accompany me inside, Master." She answered. "I didn’t notice she wasn’t wearing a collar, so I left her alone for just a couple of minutes while I went to the ladies room."

  "She was grabbed by a foreign guest and he was about to torture her and god knows what else." He informed, his words spewing rage. "He completely ignored her cries for help and her safe word."

  "Oh, god. She didn’t want to come in, but I insisted, and I was so nervous she ended up accepting." Rose stammered, almost speaking for herself.

  "So you induced her to disobey her Dom." He concluded.

  "I didn’t know she had been told to stay there." She replied, protesting for the unfair comment.

  "Don’t you think you should have known better? After all I had explained in great detail the dangers of wandering alone and uncollared through the club." His tone was even colder and she shuddered.

  "Yes, Master, I should have known better." And she did. When she asked Emily to enter the main room with her, she should have checked if she had a collar on, and she hadn’t. And if that wasn’t enough, she had left her alone. "I'm terribly sorry." She added, a silent tear running down from the corner of her eye.

  "You will be." He said, and his menacing tone made her close her eyes, not scared, but yes concerned. "The minute you made her enter the club with you, she became your responsibility and you neglected that.

  "Yes Master." She admitted the weight of what might have happened, downing on her. Her nervousness had taken the best of her and she had missed important things.

  "What should I do to you now, little rose?" he asked, his tone still harsh, but the rage was gone.

  His question, though, made her sob. Was he giving up on her? She knew she had been complaining that she didn’t know how to handle him, but if one thing she had clear, was that she didn’t want to lose him. Not yet.

  Excerpts from


  Chapter 8

  It was dark when I woke up and I was alone with my thoughts. Time was beginning to become meaningless, and I had no idea if it was day or night, nor did I care. Why did it matter? It wouldn’t make me any less of his slave.

  I let my mind drift to what my days used to be like. I thought about what I used to do each day at work and I could almost smell the coffee I would have each morning at my desk, when I first got into the office.

  My mind began to wander from the life I used to have to what happened earlier. There was a burning sensation from the tattoo. I can’t believe he branded me like I was his property. It was still bandaged but I didn’t need to see the ink on my wrist to remember what happened.

  I heard Devlin in the kitchen and realized I wasn’t handcuffed to the bed. This was the first time I had woke up untethered. I thought about trying to make a run for it, but quickly put that thought out of my head. I wouldn’t make it to the front door before he caught me and I still hadn’t figured out where the stupid fire escape even was, if there even was one. Surely there had to be one. Don’t all hi-rise buildings have to have them?

  The more I thought about everything, the angrier I became. This tattoo was the final straw. I decided that I’d had enough and went into the kitchen to confront him.

  “I’m not doing this anymore Devlin.”

  He leaned against the counter and smirked.

  “You’ve kidnapped me, held me hostage, refused to let me wear clothes, beat me repeatedly, made me crawl around on all fours like I was an animal and you won’t even let me go potty with the bathroom door locked and now you’ve marred my body with this tattoo.”

  I lifted my wrist and pointed to the bandage.

  “What are you going to do next, get out a cattle iron and brand my ass?”

  He didn’t respond. He just kept looking at me with that smirk on his face.

  “I can’t even sleep like a normal person at night because you insist on handcuffing me to the bed. I’m not doing this anymore. I’ve had enough. I want to go home. You’ve had your fun but enough is enough. I’m not your pet. I’m a human being and I have rights. You can’t treat me like this.”

  He just kept grinning at me and let me continue on with my rant. He didn’t even appear to be angry with me, seeming almost amused by my outburst.

  “Well, say something!” I demanded.

  “Aren’t we feeling a little spunky today?”

  “If you think I’m going to answer you ‘Yes, Master’ you’ve lost your mind. I’m done with all of that. I want to go home Devlin. I’m serious. Take me home right this minute!”

  I turned with my back to him, not wanting to let him see me tear up. And then I felt him. He came up behind me and a sensation unlike any I had felt before tore through me. I couldn’t feel him but I knew he was near me. The pull was beyond my control.

  There was something delusional about these thoughts I kept having about him. This man is forcing my sanity to fly out the window and I couldn’t for the life of me explain why. I enjoyed being the focus of his attention, and I enjoyed the way he took care of me yet at the same time, I knew that was wrong. I knew I shouldn’t care anything about this man. This is my abductor, not a potential husband.

  Being around Devlin had a strange effect on me, and I couldn’t understand it. I mean yes he was a beautiful man -- that goes without saying, but I had been around attractive men before. It’s not like I lived in a cave all of my life. But this was more and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was about him that was beyond the normal realm of appealing. Why was I so drawn to him even after the way he has treated me?

  For the last year, any time he was anywhere near me my brain would just shut down and my body would tingle with desire. A year of this unexplainable pull towards him, to have it all end up like this?

  I remembered his touch, and a chill ran up my spine. How crazy am I to get turned on just by the memory of him touching me?
What is wrong with me? God, I even loved the way he woke me up each morning, with his deep masculine voice. I really did love the way he said “Good morning.” Then again, I loved the way he said most things. His voice alone could drive me over the edge.

  “Are you finished?” he murmured from behind me.

  I froze. His words hit me like a slap to the face. Am I finished? Seriously? That’s all he had to say to me?

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked, as I turned to face him.

  He didn’t answer my question. Instead he took me by the hand and led me into a room I hadn’t seen before. He drenched my body in baby oil, taking his time to rub it in thoroughly, making my skin slick.

  “This will help you not to get rope burns.”

  I didn’t know what he meant but it felt so good having his hands all over my body, I didn’t stop to give it much thought.

  When he was done rubbing the baby oil in, he had me straddle a chair and then secured my legs far apart, keeping them in place with a thick rope. He handcuffed my hands behind my back and then put a ball gag in my mouth.

  Now it didn’t matter what he did to me, because I couldn’t move or scream for help. I was scared. Maybe I shouldn’t have had my little outburst after all.

  “Your life is no longer your own. Your body belongs to me. I told you on that first day here, my word is law. You are my property, my slave. You will learn to obey me. You will learn to submit.”

  He smacked my upper thigh with a leather riding crop. It stung. He hit my other thigh, then my stomach, each of my breasts and then my pussy. The pain from that stroke was unimaginable. I cried out but the ball gag prevented any sound from being heard. Luckily he didn’t hit my pussy but the one time. The other strokes were focused mostly on my upper thighs and stomach, with each of my breasts getting struck a few times as well.

  I don’t know how long this went on, it could have been twenty strokes or two hundred. All I knew for sure was that my body was bright red and swollen from being struck repeatedly with the riding crop.

  I knew what he was doing. He was breaking me down so that he could build me back up. I got it. The military does the same thing. That’s what basic training was all about. But even knowing what he was doing, didn’t make the pain he inflicted any easier to bare.