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The Kinky Side Scrooge of Scrooge Page 15

  The red slashes and welts covered practically all of my body. I began to grow woozy and started to pass out from the pain. It was all just too much to take. I couldn’t handle it anymore.

  When I woke up I was handcuffed to the bed again, alone in the dark. Tears began streaming down my cheeks, my voice quaking in terror, as I let out a pitiful cry.

  My body ached from the lashes that had bitten into my bare flesh and I was feeling sick to my stomach, I felt like I might throw up but I couldn’t move. If I was going to get sick, I would have to lay there in it for God only knows how long, until he came in to check on me and let me clean myself up. If he let me clean myself up. He was a sadistic bastard, for all I knew, he would make me lay in my own vomit to punish me for getting sick in the first place.

  I did my best to keep from throwing up and eventually, when I stopped crying he came into the bedroom. He released me from the cuffs and helped me sit up and gently brushed the hair out of my eyes.

  With him he had a bowl of ice cold water and some strips of linen which he dipped into the freezing water and lightly placed on my skin. The coolness of the cloth felt good and helped to sooth the welts on my body. I laid perfectly still as he cared for my wounds.

  “That’s a good girl,” he soothed.

  While he was caring for me, I must have fallen back asleep. I don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up I could see the sun shining through the window and knew it was a new day.

  I could smell the scent of fresh bacon and heard my stomach growl and soon after Devlin entered the room with a tray in hand. For breakfast today he made scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with strawberry jelly and a glass of orange juice.

  I tried to use my one free hand to prop myself up, but it hurt too much to move. I grimaced and he rushed to my side, setting the tray of food down and removed my handcuffs.

  “Good morning,” he said as he helped me sit all the way up.

  “I need to go to the restroom. Do you think you can help me get up?”

  He gave me a stern look. “Please Master, I don’t think I can get out of bed without your help.”

  He smiled down at me and gently helped me get out of bed. As soon as I stood up I fell to the floor. The pain was so intense, I couldn’t stand up on my own. He picked me up off of the floor and carried me to the bathroom, sitting me down on the toilet. I was humiliated at having him there while I relieved myself but what else could I do? I couldn’t walk without him. After I finished he helped me wash my hands and face and then carried me back to bed and fed me breakfast.

  He was so tender and loving with me and for just a moment it was easy to imagine having a great life with him. That is, this version of him. I liked him liked this. I liked having him lavish me with affection and attention. This was the Devlin that I was first attracted to. He had a sensitive loving heart and lively spirit that drew everyone to him. If only this Devlin would stay around all the time.

  After breakfast Devlin ran me a warm bath that he had filled with Epsom salt to help my wounds heal and the swelling go down. When we were done he carried me back to bed and rubbed scented oils into my body. It was relaxing and before long I was asleep yet again. I had read once that when you are not feeling well your body uses sleep to help recover. As much as I was sleeping lately, I supposed my body's recovery system must have been in hyper-drive.

  After a few days of extensive bed rest and tender, loving care from Devlin I finally started to feel almost human again. Devlin informed me that he had to go into work for a few hours. I felt almost panicked at hearing that he would be leaving me alone and it must have shown on my face.

  “It’s okay,” he said soothingly as he patted my leg. “I’ll be back before you know it. Do you want to watch some television while I am away?”

  “I would. Thank you Master.”

  This was the first time he was going to trust me out of bed while he was away. There wouldn’t however be a chance for me to escape because he secured me to a chair in the living room. I had one hand free but one hand and both legs were chained.

  I flipped mindlessly through the channels until I happened upon a re-run of one of the Twilight movies. I’ve seen them all before, several times before, but nothing else was on so I watched it again.

  When the movie ended I started flipping channels again and happened upon a skin flick, one of the ‘Cinemax After Dark’ type movies about two girls who were in love with the same guy but decided to get back at him for cheating on them both by dating each other.

  Caught up in the show, I didn’t hear the noise of the door opening before it was too late and Devlin entered the penthouse.

  “Well, well. What do we have here?” He asked, as he came in and looked at what was on the television.

  I scrambled to turn it off but it was too late. He had already seen what was on the screen.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “What is it then? Are you telling me you don’t have some secret desire to be with another girl?”

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  When I started writing it was to fulfill my childhood dream of being an author.

  I've always been a storyteller and I've always loved romance. But it wasn't until recently that I found my true passion and hunger for the most sensual, erotic words and stories. I guess you could say I now write to fulfill my deepest adult fantasies. And I love every waking moment of it. That burning desire within me is satisfied with every zesty story that I write--and read. Fantasy, pleasure, awakening, stimulation--I can't get enough.

  I hope you'll join me in my chase for the deepest sensual, romantic gratification possible.

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